Misery Exists Because We Are in a Constant Fight and Unacceptance! Total Acceptance is the Key to Being Free, Happy, and Harmonious!

The beauty begins with total acceptance!
Acceptance frees us, and we start flowing through life fearlessly and courageously!
Acceptance boosts our confidence, and our trust in ourselves, only through it can we reach our full potential!
It is one of the wings that help us fly freely and authentically!

When we accept ourselves we accept everything else. We are who we are, perfect – created exactly as supposed to be, same as everything else in this Life!
We will always be who we are, we can never be someone else and someone else can never be us so there is no question of being someone or something else! We can practice total acceptance and start giving our time, focusing our energy on what is possible and natural (which is acceptance) and not on something fake and impossible (which is being someone or something else)

When we accept ourselves as who we are and when we accept everything else exactly as it is there is no more frustration, jealousy, anger, hate, sadness and no discontentment….it is as it is.
All these feelings slowly disappear … as most of them exist because we are in a constant fight and unacceptance of ourselves, things, and situations as they are and Life as it is!
With total acceptance there is no longer a desire to live anybody else’s life or to be anybody else, or to prove yourself to anyone, as you understand that everything that happens to you and that surrounds you is designed only for you, inviting you to learn and to grow, what is for you, can’t be for someone else and vice versa. Everything is unique, special, and significant as it is!

There is a place you are to fill, and no one else can fill, something you are to do, which no one else can do. Everything is just so unique, exactly as it is supposed to be, harmonious and beautiful, in the right place and at the right time, our unacceptance is a barrier that we put on our way to greatness, inner peace, and deep fulfillment. Unless we drop it immediately, we can not be happy, fulfilled, or authentic and we can never love ourselves, or anybody else, we can never be in peace with ourselves and Life! 

Instead of trying to be this and that, saying that things should be like this and that, and instead of constantly drowning in anguish – because of unacceptance and our own ignorance, we can accept ourselves for who we are and what we can be, embrace ourselves, and everything else that is and that is happening around us! Embrace our own being and start experimenting with it, loving it, growing it, nourishing it, accepting Life as it is, and start celebrating it – enjoying it!

When we accept and trust we are free to be loving, happy, and harmonious, when we accept who we are and when we are free of all ideals and shoulds we are no longer divided we are one and whole!
Acceptance is when we accept everything exactly as it is when we accept ourselves for who we truly are and start to unconditionally value and love all parts of who we are! Everything we are and everything we have is a Gift, has its own unique beauty, and is here and created to be enjoyed, loved, celebrated, learned from, and appreciated!

Don’t be afraid of accepting yourself. That’s where your real treasure is, that’s where your home is.

 Love & Gratitude 
Natasha Bogdanoska

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