Awareness Is The Way “I Create Awareness”

Awareness is the Key to being Self-Directed, Centered, and Free in Every Aspect of our Lives! Live Life with a Great Presence more Attentively, Mindfully, and Meditatively with Love, Caring, and Consciousness!

Freedom of Thought, Relaxation and Awakening!

We are only Witnesses to the Thoughts that come and go on the screen of the Mind. Nothing is to be Fought or Praised but Observed, Accepted, and Loved!

Watchfulness is the Greatest Magic!

Watch Yourself from Within. The Transformation has to be Inner. Watchfulness is the Greatest Magic that one can learn because it can begin the Transformation of Your Whole Being!

Free from Conflict, Complexity, Duality and Stress!

When we are Aware there is no Conflict within us, there is no Complexity of any kind, there is no Stress, Anxiety, Sadness, or Anger that can move us from our Space and Place of Peace and Bliss, – there is no Division of any kind, we are in a State of Acceptance!

Nothing is Serious but Everything is to be Watched and Enjoyed!

No Problem is Serious! The Problem is there because you are Identified with it!

Detachment and Peace

Releasing the need to control outcomes, leads to Inner Peace and Freedom. By practicing Detachment, you foster a Balanced, Serene Life focused on the Present Moment.

Create Your Day – Your Life Mindfully!

A Thought is not an accident it creates a chain and then things follow and similar things follow! It is Right and Beautiful to wake up Grateful, to live in Gratitude during the whole day, and to go to sleep with Grateful Heart and Being!

You are a Miracle, the Greatest One!

You might be or not be Aware of this truth but it is so! So the first thing first under any circumstances we have to be Grateful, Loving, and Understanding towards Ourselves!

Who Are You!?

It is not the Action that has Value, it is Your Being, your Inner State that has Value and that adds Quality!

Program Insights

Open Coaching program designed for “Creating Awareness, Finding Yourself, Conscious Living, Awakening, Meditation, and Total Acceptance!” To be rooted in oneself is Truth, to be in oneself is Religiousness, to be in oneself is to be in the Soul, to be in oneself is to attain Godliness!

Customized Coaching Sessions

Tailored One-on-One Sessions!

Continues Guidance and Support

Ongoing support throughout the whole magnificent journey!

Awareness Practices and Conversations

Proven techniques, conversations, and exercises to nurture and enhance your journey!

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